Alcohol compatibility

At the height of the May weekend, it is necessary to be an avid teetotaler to abandon the aperitif offered by friends. It is even more interesting to give up alcohol at a picnic. Set yourself this goal? If your health is in a relatively good condition, it is unlikely. Holidays are, in fact, created to relax and relax. But do not hurt yourself. And the line between a permissible and excessive amount of alcohol on a feast is always very blurred.
In addition, it is necessary to understand the compatibility of alcohol with other beverages, many medications, and sometimes food. How to drink correctly? To slightly drunk, but not get drunk and the morning of the next day to perceive with pleasure, and not a headache.

We drink alcohol safely

From a medical point of view, the danger to health is the regular and systematic use of alcoholic beverages in excessive doses. What is regular and what is excessive? Here everything is relative. For example, in the Mediterranean countries or in Georgia it is absolutely normal to spend an evening in a warm company with a glass of good wine. As an aperitif for a delicious dinner, absolutely nothing will be more than anything. However, the Slavic tradition to drink without a sense of proportion and, what is most undesirable, combine several drinks in one evening – there is a danger here. And what about the alcoholic cocktails prepared from several components? They just make a headache stronger than a glass of beer or a glass of cognac. Just mixing a few alcoholic beverages and represents a path to rapid intoxication and, most likely, to a subsequent hangover.

To the morning of the next day was not overshadowed by a headache, nausea and rejection of just the thought of alcohol, follow the simple rules of drinking. These are the “four whales” of the proper feast:

  • do not drink on an empty stomach – the probability of getting intoxicated will be much less, if you go on holiday, you will prepare your stomach for alcohol; experience shows that if you use certain foods in advance, alcohol will become much more painless:
    • drink a glass of water or milk on the eve before going to sleep, if you know that tomorrow you have a feast;
    • a little fat – eat a piece of butter or fat and in half an hour or hour you can drink a little;
    • a glass of kefir, drunk to alcohol, produces a similar fat effect; The gastric mucosa is more protected from digestible alcohol;
    • raw eggs drunk before or during alcohol intake contribute to a slower absorption of alcohol, which makes it harder to get intoxicated (although this is not a reason to drink more than the prescribed one);
    • slimy rice porridge – adsorbing properties such we successfully use for any poisoning; The same adsorbent porridge is in the case of an approaching feast.
  • eat well – alcohol will be better absorbed, and its effect on the digestive tract will not be so fatal if every portion of it is accompanied by good food (calorie, but not heavy); Do not drink alcohol with carbonated drinks (especially cola); neutralizing the effect of alcohol drinks are citrus juice or natural lemonade (here contains a maximum of antioxidants, vitamin C);
  • drink with the mind – this point is usually a stumbling block, because what is a “measure” and what is “wisely”; The fact is that each person has an individual tolerance of alcohol and usually each of us knows when to stop; In addition, it is recommended:
    • do not mix drinks and take into account the compatibility of alcohol – from different raw materials, different degrees;
    • do not lower the degree – mixing drinks in principle is not worth it, but even more disastrous is the lowering of the degree;
    • do not combine strong alcohol with foaming beverages (this applies to non-alcoholic soda, and beer, sparkling wines);
    • drink a little on the eve of a feast – if you know that at dinner you will be treated with alcohol, drink quite a bit more at dinner.
  • do not neglect medicines – no matter how you feel in the morning after the holiday, even if the hangover is not felt, on the eve your body was exposed to alcohol, and this is not the most useful; so it is not superfluous to take activated charcoal or smectic, aspirin or glutargin, hepatoprotectors, vitamins the next morning.

Alcohol compatibility with drugs

It is necessary to pay special attention to whether it is possible and how much to consume alcohol, if in parallel with that you take pharmaceutical preparations. Most of us know that alcohol is strongly discouraged from combining with antibiotics. But why is the list of drugs not combinable with alcohol alone exhausted by antibiotics, it is not always clear.

Negative compatibility of alcohol with such pharmaceutical preparations is assessed:

  • alcohol concurrently with aspirin in case of regular use is fraught with a stomach ulcer;
  • if the dose of caffeine, ephedrine, koldreksa, koldakta or teofedrin combined with alcohol on the same day, increases the risk of hypertensive crisis;
  • alcohol in combination with diuretics and hypotensive drugs is dangerous by a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • alcohol is not recommended to combine with combined anti-cold medications, because paracetamol, panadol and efferalgan in combination with alcohol poison the liver;
  • intoxication is fraught and compatibility of alcohol with neuroleptics, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents;
  • if a person takes hypoglycemic drugs and insulin, then drinking alcohol can lead to a drop in blood sugar until the development of coma;
  • if during the treatment with nitroglycerin and antihistamines to afford alcohol, then there is a risk of aggravation of the same allergies and pain syndrome;
  • if a course of tranquilizers or neuroleptics is prescribed, then alcohol should be abandoned due to an increased risk of intoxication development up to the cerebral coma.

Compatibility of alcohol with antibiotics and sulfonamides in particular can result in drug intolerance or a decrease / lack of a therapeutic effect.

Compatibility of alcohol and other beverages

As soon as intoxication and how much damage will be caused to health as a result of a particular feast, depends on the amount drunk, and on the availability of food and other drinks on the table.

How not to combine alcohol with drinks?

Doctors strongly do not recommend combining alcohol:

  • with carbonated soft drinks;
  • with energy drinks (this leads to hypertension);
  • with other alcoholic beverages
    – lower degree,
    – different in technology of production (whiskey with cognac, rum with liquor, vodka with beer or home wine),
    – strong drinks with foaming (most unfavorable, this is to prevent champagne with any other alcoholic beverages).

What kind of food is best mixed with alcohol?

On the question of how best to have a snack, everyone is able to respond, based on their own taste preferences and ideas about the holiday. However, there are specific tips about the quality of snacks:

  • the snack should be moderate, but not in super-large quantities or in the form of heavy meals;
  • the ideal snack is an abundance of dietary fiber and pectin, which in particular is represented by fruits and vegetables, especially apples;
  • the sources of the acids of the Krebs cycle are the initial products of the digestive reaction, which stimulate metabolism and are found in sauerkraut, grape and apple juices, juicy fruits and berries, citrus fruits, honey;
  • products that have a diuretic effect – watermelon, zucchini, strawberries and strawberries, green tea and others;
  • take care that as a snack for any type of alcohol is not used abundance:
    – mushrooms;
    – sharpness (garlic, horseradish, onion, mustard, pepper, vinegar);
    – difficult to digest heavy food (meat, starch-containing foods, legumes, pearl barley, poultry);
    – fatty food, because it loads the liver, accumulates alcohol, slows blood filtration.

A few secrets in the end

Reasoning about moderate consumption of alcohol, many of us have an idea about “their” acceptable dose and that alcohol abuse is not for the benefit of health. If we take a few more tricks to the note, the probability of alcohol intoxication will be minimized:

  • the alcohol intake itself is subject to one of the following schemes:
    – each subsequent shot should not be earlier than 20 minutes after the previous one;
    – if possible, minimize the number of approaches to drunk – better 2-3 times to drink a slightly higher dose of alcohol than to stretch the same amount for a greater number of receptions;
  • in the intervals between drinking alcohol, drink grape juice or eat honey;
  • before the start of the working day after the feast, the average dose of succinic acid without milk, a tablet of vitamin C or magnesium + B6;
  • if there is a malfunction in the regularity of the bowel function, perform an enema (this is preferable to laxatives).

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